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If you liked www.fikirkulubu.org site zinciri *** DR. HAKKI ACIKALIN, here are 20 more sites we think you'll enjoy:


1.  Second Thoughts (http://webalias.com/SecondThoughts)
Some useless notes by Indranath Roy, nerd and cynic Also looking at India inside out.
2.  JohnFail (http://webalias.com/JohnFail)
simultaneous events
3.  ernestowen (http://webalias.com/ernestowen)
Homepage of Ernesto Liao and Wen-hsiu Kuo Fine Arts; Humanities; Phylology; Personal
4.  evilshade (http://webalias.com/evilshade)
looking for an imaginitive site?or help on chrono trigger?look no further.
5.  BillZardath/Sci-Fi (http://webalias.com/BillZardath/SciFi)
Bill Zardath's Sci-Fi stories. Some free short stories. 1st chapters of full novels. I want an agent??
6.  the_devil (http://webalias.com/the_devil)
about me,the occult,poetry,litterature &music
7.  intol (http://webalias.com/intol)
homepage, drawings, Tim Collins, pencil, intol, irc friends, links, about me, art, philosophy, talkcity
8.  martine (http://webalias.com/martine)
A personal website offering art, stories, and poetry, as well as a psychoanalogy and compatability love test.
9.  Exodus (http://webalias.com/Exodus)
10.  rndutt (http://webalias.com/rndutt)
The history, literature and science of India. The great art of electronics and computers.
11.  IsaacSousa (http://webalias.com/IsaacSousa)
This is my personal homepage. It is dedicated to a lot things, from internet, mp3, music, sports, etc.
12.  Atheism (http://webalias.com/Atheism)
A site with info and resources for atheists, agnostics, and anyone with an open mind.
13.  justaddwater (http://webalias.com/justaddwater)
confessions are dangerous the mimetic faculty - philosophy, intrigue, lies, edges
14.  Portfolio@X.prime (http://webalias.com/Portfolio@X.prime)
Coming to grips with English, the lingua franca of our time -- copywriting, editing & translation
15.  HiddenAfrica (http://webalias.com/HiddenAfrica)
the importance of history & memory through writers & art associated with Africa
16.  cheryl (http://webalias.com/cheryl)
my own website. with poetry, prose, writings.
17.  runningwithscissors (http://webalias.com/runningwithscissors)
writing Poppy Z. Brite reporter James Spader
18.  lklpl (http://webalias.com/lklpl)
LPL - La Pgina de Leon - Poemas, cuentos, fotografias, citas, peliculas, noticias. Leon Carlos Corona Copado
19.  Poet'sOdysseyZine (http://webalias.com/PoetsOdysseyZine)
A poetry e-zine for teens ages 13-19. A unique alternative for the poetic teen
20.  SilverTigerQuotes (http://webalias.com/SilverTigerQuotes)
a collection of personal quotes that mean something to me . . . not just anything
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